

To Lon Milo Duquette



The Unholy Three            Photographs by Rick Wardell

Lon Milo DuQuette
(born July 11, 1948), also known as Rabbi Lamed Ben Clifford and by his neo-Gnostic bishop title of Tau Lamed, is an American writer, lecturer, musician, and occultist, best known as an author who applies humor in the field of Western Hermeticism.

Best-selling occult author and magician, Lon Milo DuQuette, wraps his turban on to become–“Baba Lon”–answering letters and questions of magick and mysticism (sent for over 20 years by both adepts and idiots, saints and psychotics). This is DuQuette at his best and most outrageously candid.
“There are no stupid questions…” he laments…”just stupid people.” (Later he makes a half-sincere apology for that remark.)

Peppered generously with DuQuette’s drawings and magical verses, “Ask Baba Lon” is guaranteed to delight, entertain and (if YOUR turban isn’t wrapped too tight) ENLIGHTEN you.

This book was edited by David Cherubim from the Aleister Crowley Foundation and the cover artwork is by Constance Jean DuQuette.



Be warned! This book contains descriptions of practices which might be considered by some as horrid or shocking. The extensive case histories and rituals expose what is perhaps the most unspeakable (and unspoken) taboo of the Western psyche: the union of sex and religion. A must-have for those interested in Sex Magick, Chaos Magick, Thelema, and the Golden Dawn. Two more authors contributed to this book: Diana Hartmann and Gary Ford. This book also includes the Ceremony of the Sun and Moon, a sex magick rite, by David Cherubim. "I predict that almost every organized group of idiots in the Country will regard this book as extremely dangerous." — Robert Anton Wilson "A window of rationality on centuries of confusion and misconception." — Baelder Magazine Christopher S. Hyatt, Ph.D., was trained in both psycho-physiology and clinical psychology, and he practiced as a Psychotherapist for many years. He published many articles in peer-reviewed, professional journals. Today he is known as the world-famous author of a wide variety of books on Psychology, Sex, Tantra, Tarot, Self-transformation and Western Magic. Lon Milo DuQuette is a noted ceremonial magician and tantric authority who has taught extensively in the areas of Magick, Mysticism and Tarot. He is a well-known author of numerous books on Magick, Qabalah, Tarot, and other Occult subjects. He is the co-author with Christopher S. Hyatt of several other New Falcon titles. David Cherubim, who contributed a beautiful Thelemic Marriage Ceremony to this book, is a musician, magician and qabalist. He is the founder of the Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn and the author of the controversial Diary of the Antichrist.



his book offers the student of Western Tantra the knowledge and inner truth that has been hidden from us since conception. This is a new and expanded edition wherein you will find a wealth of practical and passionate Tantric techniques utilizing the archetypal images of Tarot. Nothing is held back. All of the methods are explicit and clearly described. “Each of us has a Guardian Angel–a companion and lover who waits just behind the images that flood our minds during sleep or reverie. A protector and guide who disguises as the individual with whom we fall in love; an ideal lover who has adored us since the beginning of our individual existence and who will never abandon us until the instant we merge our being into Absolute Godhead.” –From the book Christopher S. Hyatt, Ph.D., is a leading authority on Western Tantra. For year he practiced as a psychotherapist, specializing in relationship and sex counseling. He is the author or co-author of a wide variety of books on Tantra, psychology, self-transformation and Western magic. Among these are: Undoing Yourself With Energized Meditation; Rebels & Devils; The Secret of Western Tantra; Urban Voodoo. Lon Milo DuQuette is a Certified Tarot Grand Master and ceremonial magician who has written extensively in the areas of Mysticism, Magick and Tarot. He is the co-author of The Enochian World of Aleister Crowley; Enochian Sex Magic; Aleister Crowley’s Illustrated Goetia; Taboo: Sex, Religion and Magick, and other works.



In 1904, Aleister Crowley commissioned, edited, and introduced an English translation of The Book of the Goetia of Solomon the King, the first of five magical texts known as the Lemegeton. Yet few have actually worked the system, believing one must conform blindly to the archaic procedures and long-winded conjurations of the original text. But Crowley s attitude toward the Goetia appears to have been different. His masterful expansion and perfection of the Preliminary Invocation of the Goetia is a prime example. This new edition of the Goetia features an introduction explaining Goetic Magick. Goetia refers to all the operations of that Magick which deals with gross, malignant or unenlightened forces. Goetia is sometimes thought of as a wild card, something that can get out of control, something which expresses the operator’s lower desires to control others and improve his own personal life. And, in fact, this potential loss of control, this danger, the desire for self-improvement and great power is exactly what attracts many people to the Goetia while horrifying and repelling others. Crowley’s Goetia is brought to life by David P. Wilson with vivid illustrations of the Goetic demons, while Lon Milo DuQuette and Christopher S. Hyatt bring the ancient art of Goetic Magick to life in the modern day. Christopher Hyatt joined with Lon Milo DuQuette and David P. Wilson to glean extraordinary magical and philosophical treasures from this most misunderstood subject.



This book offers the student of Western Tantra the knowledge and inner truth that has been hidden from us since conception. This is a new and expanded edition wherein you will find a wealth of practical and passionate Tantric techniques utilizing the archetypal images of Tarot. Nothing is held back. All of the methods are explicit and clearly described. “Each of us has a Guardian Angel–a companion and lover who waits just behind the images that flood our minds during sleep or reverie. A protector and guide who disguises as the individual with whom we fall in love; an ideal lover who has adored us since the beginning of our individual existence and who will never abandon us until the instant we merge our being into Absolute Godhead.” –From the book Christopher S. Hyatt, Ph.D., was trained in psycho-physiology and clinical psychology. As a research scientist he has published numerous peer-reviewed articles in professional journals and was a Research Fellow at the University of Toronto and the University of Southern California. He fled the world of academia and state sponsored psychology to become an explorer of the human mind…creating such devices as Undoing Yourself. He is a world-famous author of a wide variety of books on post-modern psychology, sex, tantra, kundalini and mysticism…and an advocate of brain exploration. Lon Milo DuQuette Singer-songwriter and best-selling author of 20 books (translated into 12 languages) about Magick, Tarot, and Qabalah, Lon Milo DuQuette is perhaps the most prolific and entertaining voice of modern occultism in the world. He is currently the United States Deputy National Grand Master of Ordo Templi Orientis.



Many consider Enochian the most powerful and least understood system of Western Occult practice. This book makes it truly accessible and easy to understand. Crowley’s work was the launching pad for all that followed. Originally published in 1912, it rent the veil of the Inner Order of the Golden Dawn and revealed its most precious jewel for all to see. And now, for the first time, the reader is provided with instructions that bridge the gap between the material and spiritual worlds by integrating Enochian with Sex Magick. Mr. DuQuette and Dr. Hyatt bring over forty years of practical experience in the field to show you how to start using this powerful system right now. Also includes an Enochian dictionary. Extensively Illustrated.